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Homemade Australian Pumpkin Soup Like Mum Used to Make

Thick and deliciously tasty Homemade Australian Pumpkin Soup is guaranteed to hit the spot on those cold winter days.

With a combination of two different types of pumpkin and sweet potato, one bowl may not be enough.


I have always been a fan of pumpkin soup, but the tinned ones just don’t cut it for me.  

And when my mother-in-law offered to show me how to make an old family recipe, I jumped at the chance.

Now I can tell you that it’s the best pumpkin soup I have ever tasted, but what shocked me was my son.

Lakyn is not a fan of pumpkin at all, but when I made it and gave him a bowl to try, he scoffed the soup and asked for more. And I nearly fell over from shock.

I guess I just found a way to get him to eat pumpkin…lol.

How to make Homemade Australian Pumpkin Soup

It is an easy recipe to make, and if you are looking to make a large batch to freeze, double the amount in the recipe.


  • Brown Onion
  • Celery
  • Salted Butter
  • Jap Pumpkin
  • Butternut Pumpkin
  • Sweet Potato
  • Water
  • Chicken Stock
  • Cream or Sour Cream to serve


Thinly dice your onion and celery. Then cut up the pumpkins and sweet potato into small cubes.


In a large pot, melt the butter and add the diced onion and celery and saute until tender and onions are translucent in colour.

Add the chopped up pumpkins and sweet potatoes to the pot and cover with water. The amount of water depends on the size of the pot you are using. I use around 8 cups (2 litres) of water. 

You want enough water, so the pumpkin is just covered, and only parts such as the corners protrude out of the water.

Place the pot on the stove, bring it to a boil, and then turn the heat down to medium heat.

Add the chicken stock and stir through. Then continue to cook until the pumpkin and sweet potato are tender.

A promising sign is that your pumpkin starts to fall apart in the water.


Once tender, it is time to mash it all up.

Use a masher first to mash up the pumpkin and sweet potato while still in the water.

Then if you have a hand blender, you can blend everything creating a smooth texture through the soup.

If you find that it is too thick to your liking, you can add an extra cup of water or more if you like.

If you do not have a hand blender, you can use a hand mixer or a blender. Otherwise, use your masher to create the smooth consistency as much as possible.

I have an attachment on my hand mixer that I use.


Then serve with a dollop or swirl of cream or room temp sour cream.

*Tip – bring sour cream to room temperature before adding to the soup to avoid curdling.

The creams also add a creamy texture to the soup and boost the flavours.

Extras to serve with is croutons and a sprinkle of parsley.

Storing homemade pumpkin soup.

One of the other things I love about this recipe is being able to keep my homemade Australian pumpkin soup in the fridge for up to 5 days.

Or you can place it in the freezer for up to 3 months.

Always make sure you store your soup in a leakproof airtight container. And reheat on the stove over low heat.

Check out our other Winter tummy warming soups

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Homemade Australian Pumpkin Soup

With a combination of two different types of pumpkin and sweet potato, one bowl may not be enough.
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Serving Size 6 People


  • 1 Medium Brown Onion
  • 85 g Celery
  • 35 g Salted Butter
  • 1 kg Jap Pumpkin Approx. Half Medium Pumpkin
  • 700 g Butternut Pumpkin Approx. Half Medium Pumpkin
  • 200 g Sweet Potato
  • 2 litres Water
  • 1 tbsp Chicken Stock
  • Cream or Sour Cream to serve Optional


  • Finely dice onion and celery. Chop the pumpkins and sweet potato into small cubes.
  • Place the butter in a large pot, along with the onion and celery. Then saute until tender.
  • Place the pumpkins and sweet potato in the pot, cover with water, then bring to a boil.
  • Once boiling turn down the heat to medium, add chicken stock and stir through. Then continue to cook until the pumpkin is starting to fall apart and the sweet potato is really tender.
  • Turn off the heat, and blend with a hand blender (refer to notes for other options)
  • Add an extra cup of water if it is too thick for you.
  • Serve in a bowl with cream or sour cream.


If you do not have a hand blender, you can use a masher combined with a hand mixer or even a blender (doing a bit at a time)

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